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 PhraseExpander 5 Manual

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To open the Options window, Advanced tab

1.From the main window click on File > Options.
The Options dialog opens.

2.Click on the Advanced tab.




Diagnostic mode

When running in Diagnostic mode, PhraseExpander saves a file with detailed logging information to disk. This can help support diagnose issues with the application.

Detect soft keystrokes

If checked, PhraseExpander will detect the simulated keystrokes, like the ones that are sent when doing a remote connection to the machine—when you are not physically typing on the keyboard of the computer that is running PhraseExpander (like Remote Desktop, TeamViewer, ScreenConnect or VNC). If you find PhraseExpander interfering with other applications that are sending keystrokes (for example a macro tool, like Macro Scheduler), uncheck this option.


If you experience problems with abbreviation detection (and Detect Typed Keystroke is active), uncheck this option.


It would normally not be necessary to change these settings. These settings determine how text is inserted into the target application, and the execution of the macros.


Between keystrokes

This is the amount of time PhraseExpander waits between each keystroke when sending text (using direct typing). If you notice that some keystrokes are lost when sending text, you can increase the delay.


Focus change

PhraseExpander needs to focus the target application to send text to it. This delay is needed to give time to the target application to get focused, so that keystrokes are sent to the proper application. If some keystrokes are lost when a new template is executed, you can increase this value.


After sending special key

PhraseExpander waits this amount of time after a special keystroke is typed (shorcut). This delay is needed to properly process all the data and capture the selected text.


Clipboard paste for plain text

PhraseExpander will wait for the specified amount of time before sending data to the target application using the Clipboard. You need to increment this value if you notice that the text is not copied correctly to the target application (for example, the old contents of the Clipboard are pasted instead of the new ones).

Clipboard paste for rich text
PhraseExpander will wait for the specified amount of time before sending data to the target application using the Clipboard (when the data to send is rich formatted). You need to increment this value if you notice that the text is not copied correctly to the target application (for example, the old contents of the clipboard are pasted instead of the new ones).


Restore clipboard contents

PhraseExpander can use the clipboard to send text to the target application: this increases insertion speed when the text is very long, and it is required when the sent text is formatted.

When Restore Clipboard contents is checked, PhraseExpander restores the original contents of the clipboard after the data have been sent to the target application.

Define the delay after which the text originally contained in the Clipboard is restored. You can increment the delay if PhraseExpander is not inserting the template properly.


Detect typed keystrokes in (application ignore lists)

If you don't want PhraseExpander to detect typed abbreviations (and the contents copied into the Clipboard) in certain applications, you can define a list of excluded applications (or, alternatively, define a list of the applications where PhraseExpander keystroke detection shall be active).


Type the name of the executable of each application to include/exclude into the textbox. Application names are separated by ;


For example:



ignores the text typed in Notepad and in the Calculator


Applications can be chosen, among the active ones, using the selection button.dropdown


NOTE: you can also add applications to the ignore list by clicking on the gear icon in the Suggestions window.


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