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 PhraseExpander 5 Manual

Navigation: Managing the database

Moving the PhraseExpander database

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PhraseExpander stores all your data in its database file (called PhraseExpanderData.pedb). The file is stored by default in the Documents folder, but you can move it to another folder using the following procedure.


To move all your data to another folder

1.Click on File / Move to...

2.Choose the destination that you want. You can move the database file to another folder, or use any Cloud storage service like Dropbox, Google Drive or OneDrive

The PhraseExpander database is moved to the new location



IMPORTANT: PhraseExpander database files can be moved between PCs, but they cannot be accessed by different users at the same time.

If you need to access the same information on different PCs (e.g. you need your templates available at work and at home, or you are roaming between different computers at work), and access to the most recent version of all your glossaries and templates on all your computers, you should use this option.


If you need to share glossaries between different people, using Linked glossaries is the recommended solution.


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