Reactivate your license of PhraseExpander
Get the latest version & free updates and support for 1 year
The pricing below is for licenses that expired more than 60 days ago.
If your license is still active or in the grace period (within 60 days from expiration), check the renewal pricing.
Please, select the edition you currently have
By reactivating your expired license, you’ll get access to the latest version + 1 year of upgrade and support (starting from the order date)
EMR is a reality for most doctors today. Every click or keystroke steals time that I could spend engaging patients. PhraseExpander maximizes my patient time, by minimizing my computer time. I call that a win-win.— Paul Neumann, MD, OD, Optometrist

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How do I know if I still have access to the last version of PhraseExpander?
To check if your upgrade protection is still active, go to Help → About PhraseExpander and check the expiration date for your current license. If your upgrade protection is still active, you can download and install the latest release for free.
What do I get when I reactivate my license?
We will send you a new license code. You’ll get access to the latest version of PhraseExpander, and your upgrade protection will be extended for 1 year from the order date.
Can I renew my license before the upgrade protection has expired?
Yes, of course. Your upgrade protection will be extended for another year, based on the original expiration date.
Check renewal pricing if your upgrade protection is still active (you can check this by clicking on Help > About PhraseExpander.
How can I upgrade to a different edition of PhraseExpander?
Sure, choose the current edition you have on the screen above and the new edition you desire.
When will I get my new license?
Once your order is confirmed and your upgrade eligibility verified, you will receive your new license code to activate PhraseExpander in a few minutes, directly into your mailbox.
How do I install my new license?
To activate your new license, you just need to enter the new license code by clicking on Help > Enter License Key.
Are my data safe?
All orders are secured with military-grade TLS encryption. Your information is safe. All orders are processed via Fastspring, our
e-commerce partner based in California, USA.