A template contains the text you want to insert into your active application by typing the associated abbreviation.
Templates have many uses. You can use a template to:
•Autocomplete words and phrases
•Insert a block of text
•Create fill-in-the-blanks form that you can fill-in to generate a customized text, before it's inserted into your EMR or any other application
•Use the macro language built into the template to launch applications, manipulate dates, compute scores and more
Templates can be in plain text or contain rich formatted text that allows pictures and text styling.
A template is normally associated with an abbreviation (a short sequence of letters).
When typing the abbreviation, PhraseExpander will display the Suggestions window, showing which templates are associated to that abbreviation, and allowing you to execute one.
For example, you can define the abbreviation "hpi" to insert your HPI template, or "email" to enter your email address.
Thanks to SmartComplete, PhraseExpander is able to suggest the proper template after just a few characters of the abbreviation have been typed.
Once you have selected an abbreviation, you can confirm the associated action by typing the confirmation key (SHIFT key being the default).
hpi [SHIFT] -> inserts your HPI template
email [SHIFT] -> inserts your email address