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 PhraseExpander 5 Manual

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Choosing the confirmation key

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The confirmation key is used to confirm the execution of the template displayed in the Suggestions window.

PhraseExpander uses the SHIFT key as the default confirmation key.


Using a confirmation key prevents the unwanted execution of templates (that may be executed by mistake if no confirmation key is used).

If you change the confirmation key to another one (like SPACE, ENTER or TAB), keep in mind that it could cause some unwanted firing of templates, since these keys are commonly typed.


Change the confirmation key from the Options dialog

1.From the main click on File > Options.
The Options dialog opens.

2.Click on the Suggestions tab.

3.Click on the Confirm Key combo box and choose the Confirmation key.

4.Press OK to confirm.



NOTE: you can trigger a template immediately after typing the abbreviation by setting the Instant Execution property of the template.

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