Max number of suggestions to display
Indicates the maximum number of suggestions that are displayed in the Suggestions window. This number indicates how many suggestions are visible on the screen at the same time. More suggestions may be hidden from view. You can navigate through the suggestions by using the arrow keys.
Enable phrase fast selection
When this is enabled, PhraseExpander shows accelerator keys in the Suggestions window: you can use numbers to trigger the chosen phrase, and then press the confirmation key to confirm.
Show suggestions above the cursor
The Suggestions window can be shown above or below the typed abbreviation.
If checked, PhraseExpander will suggest phrases even when you have not typed the entire abbreviation associated with the phrase. Our technology allows you to reduce the amount of typing you need to do to trigger the desired phrase. See No memorization with SmartComplete.
You can specify after how many characters partial match suggestions shall be displayed (default is 2 characters).