Extract and Send

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Available in PhraseExpander Professional

The Extract and Send macro will allow you to:

1.extract the required information from a CSV file (or from a text)

2.break that information into pieces so that it can be used to populate a form or an Excel sheet


This comes very handy when you are doing a lot of data entry or copying and pasting in Excel.



{#extract -[type][source][hasHeader][itemSep][sep][title]#}



 csv - extracts the information from a CSV file

 text - will display a textbox where a piece of text can be typed

 clipboard - insert the current content of the Clipboard

[source]: the filename containing the data (valid only if type=csv)

[hasHeader]: tells if the CSV contains a header that will be used to assign a description to each field

[itemSep]: the character that separates each item in the original list (in a CSV file, the comma (,) is the standard value)

[sep]: the separator character that will be inserted between each item

[title]: the title of the input window




{#extract -[type=csv][source=D:\mydata\mylist.csv][hasHeader=1][itemSep=,][sep=#TAB#]#}


The Extract and Send macro has extracted the information from a CSV file and it's ready to send it to Excel.

The Extract and Send macro has extracted the information from a CSV file and it's ready to send it to Excel.




The data is loaded from the CSV file. Choosing an item in the dropdown will automatically populate the other fields. On confirmation, PhraseExpander will prepare the original text inserting the TAB key between each item, to populate a form or insert data into Excel.



{#extract -[type=text][itemSep=#NL#][sep=#TAB#]#}


Extracts the information from the address and reformats it to easily send it to a form.

Extracts the information from the address and reformats it to easily send it to a form.



Send each line of text individually to fill in a form. Each piece of data is separated by a TAB key.